Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Color project 13: Room Design

For this project we were to design a room using color. This room design is for my ideal studio space. To me inspiration is very important so a bright awake yellow would definitely inspire me. I chose orange accents to the white furniture to also brighten up the palate. The solid yellow walls and the crisp clean white furniture do not distract from the patterned wall design which is what I wished to achieve.

Color project 12: Color system

¡For this project we were to make a color system that demonstrated primary, secondary, and tertiary colors, We were to also include a value scale. I chose to make a board game called “color town” to teach children about colors.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Color project 11: Historical Color studies

reproduction is analogous color scheme
final reproduction

For this particular project, we had to try to mimic a classical artwork using the skills we had attained during the class.

Color project 10: Musical Reactions in color

¡In this project, we had to document our reactions to certain songs through color.

Color project 9: Transparencies in Color aid

¡The goal of this project was to use our knowledge of color to present a transparency of three colors. The goal was to make the overlapped areas look as if you could see the mix of the colors that met.

Color Project 8: Tints in color aid

Using the same principle as tints in paint, the goal was to create tints using color aid.

Color project 7: Shades in Color aid

¡Using the same principles as the shades in paint, the goal was to make shades using color aid.

Color project 6: Two Colors as one

¡For this assignment, we were to make two different colors appear as one due to the colors that surrounded them. A “trap” was added to aid in the surprise of the two different colors.

Color Project 5: One Color as two

¡Moving out of paints, we were studying the effect that surrounding colors have on each other using color aid. The goal in this project was to make one color appear as two due to the surrounding colors.